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Thursday, April 30, 2009

You Are Putting Your Marriage At Risk: Watch It

Your marriage has the potentiality of experiencing prosperity, happiness, sound health and wealth but you must develop the right attitude to attract these positive features. It is your attitude to your marriage that determines your marriage altitude. You will be putting your marriage at risk of failure, weakness, poverty and crisis if you are careless about your thought. It is the wrong attitude that exposes your marriage to all the negative states of life.

What do you think of your marriage?
Are you positive in your thought believing that your marriage will succeed? You must be set to turn the major success key in your marriage which is your attitude.

What Do You See?
What you envision in your marriage and the way you see your relationship moving towards determine what your union will become. How you react to issues and events in your marriage affects the outcome in your home.“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he……” Prov 23:4. It is your thoughts and believes that determine your portion in marriage. If you believe it is possible to have success and to prosper in your marriage so shall it be to you. If however you see and believe it is poverty and failure that you can get, that is what you will experience. Positive attitude attracts positive events and negative attitude can only attract negative situations, like begets like.

Have Your Choice
Having positive attitude is not a gift; it is a choice that you have to make. You have the power to choose to have a positive or negative outlook to life issues including issues of your marriage.

Thoughts are real things.
The thoughts you allow to occupy your mind for a long time eventually affect you life. As you continue to think and believe the practicality of these virtues, it affect your action and behavior and propel you to eventually achieve it.
Napoleon Hill said “Thought are real things when mixed with definiteness of purpose.

Take Control of Your Mind
Your mind is what links you up with the spiritual and physical. “Without your mind I can do nothing…” It is through your mind that you control your life. What you think is what you see, what you see is what you have; it is what you think that affect your action and behavior. It is what you do that affect what you have. Your action is a sowing and what you sow is what you reap. What you plant is what you harvest. A wise man said “Success comes to those that are success conscious, failure comes to those who through indifference allow themselves to be failure conscious”.

If you choose an excellent marriage relationship and you desire success in all aeas of your marriage get these tested and potent strategies by clicking here