Many homes burn like oven and the experiences of dwellers therein is like a foretaste of undesired hell on earth. However a happy home can be secured by anyone that desires it, if correct steps are taken. You can make your home to reflect joy and happiness always only if you are ready to pay the price. It requires putting in place the necessary infrastructure and fixtures that make for a happy home.I want to share with you some useful tips that make one to secure a happy home. Everyone, male or female, old or young in marriage can secure a happy and healthy home if you will sincerely follow these tips.
1. Preparation
If having a happy and healthy home is your desire, you will need to start by making adequate preparation for it. You cannot just stumble upon it and note that for a truth it does not come through desire only. To your desire, put in an adequate preparation as a man and even as a woman. Preparation is the mother of manifestation. It is the level of your preparation that determines the level of your manifestation. “A man through desire haven separated himself intermeddles with all wisdom…..” Even if you have been married for a decade, you can still start the process and secure a happy home. What you don’t prepare for you don’t experience because even if such things comes you may not be able to handle it since you are not expecting it so you will just loose it not recognizing it.
2. The Principal Partners
The home is made up of two principal players. These are the two partners in the marriage, the man and the woman. The two needs to be prepared individually and collectively for a happy home. It is when the two are prepared that things can work out fine and as desired.
3. The Man
The man must be prepared to be a Father, a Husband and a Leader in the home. He needs to consider and understand what it takes to give fatherly care to his children and discharge the responsibilities of a father. He must consider and prepare to be a caring husband to the wife. He must prepare to be a loving and wise leader in the home, having understanding of the different leadership traits and choosing the most caring and effective one to lead his home and family to successes, lifting, progress and prosperity. He will be ready to live an exemplary life. He will need to start with leading them to God and teaching his household to put God first, loving Him, Trusting Him and obeying Him.
4. The Woman
The woman also must be prepared to be a Mother, wife and a Help to the husband in the home. She needs to understand the role of a mother and must be prepared to be a virtues woman and mother to the children. She must be prepared to be a loving wife to the husband discharging the responsibilities delivered by God to a wife and a mother. She must also back up the husband to train the children. She must as a mother train the children in the ways of the Lord and how to be useful in the society.
5. Keep No Secret
The two of you must be plain and fair to each other and desists from keeping secrets. It is in keeping secrets that you are led into the errors of doing things that erode trusts in the home and open the relationship to marriage killers.
6. Seek Each Other’s Welfare
Every person has his/her strength and weaknesses. The principal characters in the home must seek to understand each other and appreciate each others positive and negative aspects. Each of you also must render due benevolence to each other, accepting yourselves as partners and joint heirs to the blessings of God.
7. Communicate Freely And Openly
Communication is a very powerful tool of oneness and progress in any relationship if it is understood and properly employed.It prevents avoidable rancor and dispel costly misunderstanding in a marriage if the partners will respect its powerful position and avoid any misuse.Partners are encouraged to discuss every area of doubt and every issue of misunderstanding without first forming any opinion which may end up being a wrong one. Communication is not only verbal it is also non-verbal that means with your action and even gesture you are communicating. You will therefore need to watch what you do and say so as not to be sending wrong signals to your spouse.
8. Hold On To Your Scriptural Responsibilities As a Man & Woman
Marriage was instituted by God himself after He said “it is not good for a man to be alone, I will make for him a help meet…” Each of the partners’ will of necessity mind his/her scriptural responsibilities as layed out by God and watch your marriage prove happiness and your home become like paradise.
9. Give Each Other The Atmosphere For Maximizing Your Potentials.
Each one has potentialities, it is your environment that can aid you and encourages or discourages you to realize this and maximize it. Potentials are enhancers and tools for speed and progress. Each partner in the home will therefore be helping himself / herself as well as the home globally when you consciously create the needful atmosphere for each one to realisehis/her potentialities. You will do well by encouraging, supporting and backing up your spouse and rendering assistance to him/her to be at the topmost level of his/her potentials. The home becomes a factory to incubate and bring forth polished careers and to prepare experts in different areas of callings.
If happy home is a place your desire and you want it to be your dwelling place then get further strategies and tips to secure sweet home and save your marriage by clicking here.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Securing a Happy Home: Useful Tips
Posted by Peter Olayinka Olu-Joseph at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: fulfillment, happiness, healthy marriage, peace, refreshing, relationship, success in marriage
Securing a Happy Home: Useful Tips
Many homes burn like oven and the experiences of dwellers therein is like a foretaste of undesired hell on earth. However a happy home can be secured by anyone that desires it, if correct steps are taken. You can make your home to reflect joy and happiness always only if you are ready to pay the price. It requires putting in place the necessary infrastructure and fixtures that make for a happy home.I want to share with you some useful tips that make one to secure a happy home. Everyone, male or female, old or young in marriage can secure a happy and healthy home if you will sincerely follow these tips.
1. Preparation
If having a happy and healthy home is your desire, you will need to start by making adequate preparation for it. You cannot just stumble upon it and note that for a truth it does not come through desire only. To your desire, put in an adequate preparation as a man and even as a woman. Preparation is the mother of manifestation. It is the level of your preparation that determines the level of your manifestation. “A man through desire haven separated himself intermeddles with all wisdom…..” Even if you have been married for a decade, you can still start the process and secure a happy home. What you don’t prepare for you don’t experience because even if such things comes you may not be able to handle it since you are not expecting it so you will just loose it not recognizing it.
2. The Principal Partners
The home is made up of two principal players. These are the two partners in the marriage, the man and the woman. The two needs to be prepared individually and collectively for a happy home. It is when the two are prepared that things can work out fine and as desired.
3. The Man
The man must be prepared to be a Father, a Husband and a Leader in the home. He needs to consider and understand what it takes to give fatherly care to his children and discharge the responsibilities of a father. He must consider and prepare to be a caring husband to the wife. He must prepare to be a loving and wise leader in the home, having understanding of the different leadership traits and choosing the most caring and effective one to lead his home and family to successes, lifting, progress and prosperity. He will be ready to live an exemplary life. He will need to start with leading them to God and teaching his household to put God first, loving Him, Trusting Him and obeying Him.
4. The Woman
The woman also must be prepared to be a Mother, wife and a Help to the husband in the home. She needs to understand the role of a mother and must be prepared to be a virtues woman and mother to the children. She must be prepared to be a loving wife to the husband discharging the responsibilities delivered by God to a wife and a mother. She must also back up the husband to train the children. She must as a mother train the children in the ways of the Lord and how to be useful in the society.
5. Keep No Secret
The two of you must be plain and fare to each other and desists from keeping secrets. It is in keeping secrets that us are led into the errors of doing things that erode trusts in the home and open the relationship to marriage killers.
6. Seek Each Other’s Welfare
Every person has his/her strength and weaknesses. The principal characters in the home must seek to understand each other and appreciate each others positive and negative aspects. Each of you also must render due benevolence to each other, accepting yourselves as partners and joint heirs to the blessings of God.
7. Communicate Freely And Openly
Communication is a very powerful tool of oneness and progress in any relationship if it is understood and properly employed. It prevents avoidable rancor and dispel costly misunderstanding in a marriage if the partners will respect its powerful position and avoid any misuse. Partners are encouraged to discuss every area of doubt and every issue of misunderstanding without first forming any opinion which may end up being a wrong one. Communication is not only verbal it is also non-verbal that means with your action and even gesture you are communicating. You will therefore need to watch what you do and say so as not to be sending wrong signals to your spouse.
8. Hold On To Your Scriptural Responsibilities As a Man & Woman
Marriage was instituted by God himself after He said “it is not good for a man to be alone, I will make for him a help meet…”Each of the partners’ will of necessity mind his/her scriptural responsibilities and layed out by God and watch your marriage prove happiness and your home become like paradise.
9. Give Each Other The Atmosphere For Maximizing Your Potentials.
Each one has potentialities, it is your environment that can aid you encourages or discourages you to realize this and maximize it. Potentials are enhancer and tools for speed and progress. Each partner in the home will therefore be helping himself / herself as well as the home globally when you consciously create the needful atmosphere for each one to realise his/her potentialities.You will do well by encouraging, supporting and backing up your spouse and rendering assistance to him/her to be at the topmost level of his/her potentials. The home becomes a factory to incubate and bring forth polished careers and to prepare experts in different areas of calling.
If happy home is desirable to you want such a place to be your dwelling place, you can take further strategies and tips to secure sweet home and save your marriage by clicking here.'>Get More Income to take care of Your Marriage And Family If you Are Interested
Posted by Peter Olayinka Olu-Joseph at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: fulfillment, happiness, healthy marriage, peace, refreshing, relationship, success in marriage
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Distrust: Fast But Silent Marriage Killer
Marriage is pleasant when it is consciously shielded from the known marriage killers. One of such killers that I will like to consider today is distrust. Marriage becomes very difficult to sustain in the face of distrust. This is a silent but fast marriage killer and every partner in a marriage must be aware of this if you are interested in saving your marriage.
Distrust is like cancer in a marriage; it eats silently into all the structure of the marriage and silently destroys the “immune system” of the relationship and weakens the foundation of the marriage. This makes the relationship to be exposed to the negative effects of other marriage killers.
Sources Of Distrust
Unfortunately in most cases it is the behaviour of the couples in the marriage that opens the door to distrust. Distrust comes when partners engage in infidelity and reckless jealousies. When they find it difficult to keep their words and keep simple and sincere promises.
Effect Of Distrust
When distrust starts to invade a marriage it becomes difficult for the couples to progress in anything that they must do together. The family starts to operate on doubt and insincerity. It becomes very difficult for the couples to live in harmony, quarrelling becomes very frequent and easily provoked. It becomes difficult for the couples to see things eye to eye. Communication is impaired and it leads easily to fight among the couples. All these start to weaken the relationship until separation becomes inevitable.
How Can Trust Be Restored In Your MarriageTrust, one of the most fundamental factors of unity and progress in a marriage can be restored as follows:
1.Couples must refrain from all forms of reckless lies and careless promises that are never fulfilled. No matter how small an issue may be the whole truth must be willingly revealed.
2.All forms of infidelity and unfaithfulness must be stopped. No one can tolerate his/her spouse cheating on him/her. It is a grievous thing to keep an affair outside marriage it is unfair and deadly. Don’t even think of it.
3.Try to communicate effectively with your spouse. It is safe to tell your spouse everything that you are involved in, keep nothing away from him/her. Do not nurse any jealousy rather be plain and considerate with your partner.
To save your marriage and get more fulfilment and joy in your relationship visit Here
Posted by Peter Olayinka Olu-Joseph at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: enhancement, fulfillment, happiness, healthy marriage, marriage refreshing, peace, relationship, success in marriage
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Is Your Relationship Causing You Pains? Use This Guide For Positive Way Out
It is possible to keep a relationship that brings you peace rather than pain, progress rather than regrets. Many people find themselves in relationships that bring much concern, heartache and pains to them. This cuts across all ages, it is not peculiar to any age group. Kids, Teens, Youths and Adults have their own share of this type of problem.What makes the difference and make people to be able to enjoy their relationship depends on applying what you know to guide yourself in your relationship.
Actually relationships are to make us better and to give us progress in life. Keeping relationship should enhance our lives in many areas and since we are human beings we cannot exist in isolation hence we relate with ourselves.
There are some tested strategies that you can employ to handle relationships so that you can find benefits from it rather than problems. If we know what to do and we do it we will certainly gain and not regret our relationships.
1. Never go into relationship until you know your partner very well. You must ensure that you understand the type of character you are getting involved with. Here you will need to know his/her values in life. This determines his/her believes that informs his behaviour.
2. Never engage in suspicion rather build the relationship on trust.Whatever you see or here about your partner take time to discuss it freely and openly with him/here. This will give you the opportunity to know the truth and operate on it rather than suspicion which can create greater problems.
3. Never engage in gossip. What you can not boldly discuss about your partner with him/her never discuss it with another person or third party to the relationship. Respect your partner and hold him/her in high esteem and he/she will treat you the same way.
4. Be ready to give to another what you desire from them and there shall be peace and joy all around.
You also can enjoy steady and strong relationship, if you want a change of story in your marriage get a way out by clicking here now
Posted by Peter Olayinka Olu-Joseph at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: fulfillment, happiness, marriage, peace, refreshing, relationship, success
Thursday, April 30, 2009
You Are Putting Your Marriage At Risk: Watch It
Your marriage has the potentiality of experiencing prosperity, happiness, sound health and wealth but you must develop the right attitude to attract these positive features. It is your attitude to your marriage that determines your marriage altitude. You will be putting your marriage at risk of failure, weakness, poverty and crisis if you are careless about your thought. It is the wrong attitude that exposes your marriage to all the negative states of life.
What do you think of your marriage?
Are you positive in your thought believing that your marriage will succeed? You must be set to turn the major success key in your marriage which is your attitude.
What Do You See?
What you envision in your marriage and the way you see your relationship moving towards determine what your union will become. How you react to issues and events in your marriage affects the outcome in your home.“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he……” Prov 23:4. It is your thoughts and believes that determine your portion in marriage. If you believe it is possible to have success and to prosper in your marriage so shall it be to you. If however you see and believe it is poverty and failure that you can get, that is what you will experience. Positive attitude attracts positive events and negative attitude can only attract negative situations, like begets like.
Have Your Choice
Having positive attitude is not a gift; it is a choice that you have to make. You have the power to choose to have a positive or negative outlook to life issues including issues of your marriage.
Thoughts are real things.
The thoughts you allow to occupy your mind for a long time eventually affect you life. As you continue to think and believe the practicality of these virtues, it affect your action and behavior and propel you to eventually achieve it.
Napoleon Hill said “Thought are real things when mixed with definiteness of purpose.
Take Control of Your Mind
Your mind is what links you up with the spiritual and physical. “Without your mind I can do nothing…” It is through your mind that you control your life. What you think is what you see, what you see is what you have; it is what you think that affect your action and behavior. It is what you do that affect what you have. Your action is a sowing and what you sow is what you reap. What you plant is what you harvest. A wise man said “Success comes to those that are success conscious, failure comes to those who through indifference allow themselves to be failure conscious”.
If you choose an excellent marriage relationship and you desire success in all aeas of your marriage get these tested and potent strategies by clicking here
Posted by Peter Olayinka Olu-Joseph at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: happiness in marriage, having success in marriage, marriage, marriage refreshing, relationship, success
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Daily Refreshing For Your Marriage: Useful Hints
Marriage is forever that is true. Another statement of fact is that we spend about 60% to 70% of our total life span in marriage. If we can refresh our marriage daily that means 60% or 70% of our lives are spent in refreshed atmosphere. This is wholesome for our life and affects our life span as individuals if you know how to do this and we actually practice it. Our health also is positively affected by daily refreshing in our marriage.Your marriage must experience daily excitement and it is you that will plan it and continuously executive it in your union.
1. You must figure out what thrills your partner and daily bring such into your relationship. My wife loves stories and I try to bring in new interesting ones regularly to thrill her and refresh her.
2. Seek to surprise your partner pleasantly by introducing a new form of pleasure into your relationship. This may be using a new posture method in love making or something like that.
3. Do something to show your backing/support for your spouse. You may lend a helping hand in his/her own job to improve her career.
4. You do things together and in common. You can get back home early to help in household chores. It is always fun to do things together.When I got married I thought my wife the preparation of difference and various foods which she did not know how to prepare. I found out that on each of such occasion it was always fun and it brings freshness into our marriage. We are twenty eight years now into our relationship and it was like yesterday.
5. Create more times together and plan for how you will blow the heart of your spouse with fun and pleasure. This may be difficult when you become parents because the children may really require time from us. However, you can as a way out, plan some activities outside the home that involve just the two of you.
Your marriage desire daily refreshing and you can get it quickly and continue in unending love and marriage success. Click here it is guarranteed
Posted by Peter Olayinka Olu-Joseph at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: having success in marriage, loving your spouse, marriage, marriage refreshing, relationship, success
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Your Marriage Is To Improve Your Life: Useful Hints
Marriage is a wonderful institution that had been designed by the institutor to bring improvement to the life of each of the partners in the relationship. There are some important things to be done as you get into marriage union and there are specific provisions in it that ensure that the lives of the partners get better than before they got into the institution of marriage.
The knowledge of what to do and what to expect in your marriage relationship and doing such things determines the level of improvement and the better life that your marriage will bring to you.
The institutor of Marriage is God Himself and He created marriage for the males and females for each partner to draw the best out of the other, while providing the ground for the other to do the same from his or her partner. These opportunities can wholesomely be drawn to affect every aspect of life on the ground or foundation of Love.
Love unfeigned:
This is the fundamental thing a partner is expected to bring into the relationship and he is to offer this continuously as the marriage grows. When genuine Love is available from each of the partners, each aspect of life of the two people improves individually and collectively as a home.
There are many aspects of your life that will get better when you are married than when you were single. When there are challenges to the relationship by reason of the mistake from any of the partners the other will be able to endure and will be kind and compromising with the partner at fault.
Love and not lust is what is expected, you must therefore clear that aspect before you agree to say ‘I do’ if not your marriage may not really play the role it is supposed to play in your life. When you seek to satisfy yourself only and use your marriage to improve yourself alone there is no love, that is lust you are bringing into the relationship. Love is reciprocal if you want love then offer love and you will see the two of you basking in the ocean of love. Healthy love makes you to seek the satisfaction of your spouse and the improvement of his/her life. If you are in marriage for your life to be better consider falling in love with your spouse all over afresh. I shall be back with more tips to ensure success in your relationship. Peace!
For higher levels of improvement in your marriage click this.
Posted by Peter Olayinka Olu-Joseph at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: having success in marriage, loving your spouse, marriage, relationship, success